Kinotek Scan – $100

FREE for members

A Kinotek Scan can be an important step towards making a healthy lifestyle change. Come in to our Clifton Park location to get started today!

New Members will get a Kinotek scan during their MAPS meeting and then generally every 90 days after that.

You don’t have to be a member to get a scan. Click the button below to schedule your Kinotek scan.

What is a Kinotek Scan?

Imagine you’re trying to get better at a video game. Wouldn’t it be awesome if the game could scan your skills and tell you exactly what to fix so you can level up faster?

That’s kind of what a Kinotek Scan does for your body!

When a personal training client gets scanned, the Kinotek system uses LiDAR cameras to measure how your body moves—like how flexible you are, how strong certain muscles are.

The software then assessed your movement and we get a super clear, detailed report of what’s working well and what needs improvement with your body.

Interested in learning more, or talking to a trainer? Check out this article in Men’s Health, or click the link below to find out how a Kinoteck Scan can help you.